The 10 greatest symphonies of all time...according to Twitter

The 10 greatest symphonies of all time...according to Twitter

Find out which symphonies won the most votes in our Symphony World Cup

Published: August 16, 2016 at 2:44 pm

In our September issue – out now – we revealed what 151 conductors believe are the greatest symphonies ever written. Then we asked for your vote. Over the last fortnight, we've been running the first ever Symphony World Cup on Twitter. 32 symphonies entered the fray, and hundreds of you voted for the work that you believe is the greatest of all time.

Now, we reveal the 10 symphonies that received the greatest number of votes.

10 - Brahms Symphony No. 4

9 - Beethoven Symphony No. 5

8 - Beethoven Symphony No. 6

7 - Beethoven Symphony No. 3

6 - Shostakovich Symphony No. 5

5 - Sibelius Symphony No. 7

4 - Mahler Symphony No. 9

3 - Mahler Symphony No. 2

2 - Beethoven Symphony No. 7

1 - Beethoven Symphony No. 9

To see the full results of the Symphony World Cup, click here.

What do you think of the top 10? Join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtag #SymphonyWorldCup, or comment below.

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