'Thirty days has September' lyrics

'Thirty days has September' lyrics

Should you need them here are the words to the rhyme 'Thirty days has September'

Published: May 14, 2023 at 11:53 am

How many of us recite the rhyme '30 days has September' to remind us of the number of days in a month? You can bet its quite a few.

The origins of the rhyme are pretty ancient, thought to date back to Renaissance times when there were these Latin lines;

Junius Aprilis September et ipse November Dant triginta dies reliquis supadditur unus De quorum numero Februarius excipiatur

Today it is one of the most popular nursery rhymes ever, and is taught to children when they learn the calendar

'Thirty days has September' lyrics

Thirty days has September, April, June, and November, All the rest have thirty-one, Save February at twenty-eight, But leap year, coming once in four, February then has one day more.

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