'All Glory, Laud and Honor' lyrics

'All Glory, Laud and Honor' lyrics

Did you know the origins of the hymn 'All Glory, Laud and Honor' date back nearly 2,000 years? Here are its lyrics

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Published: December 5, 2022 at 11:46 am

The origins of the hymn 'All Glory, Laud and Honor' are pretty ancient. Theodulf, Bishop of Orléans wrote the Latin hymn 'Gloria, laus et honor', in around 820 for Palm Sunday.

Theodulf was inspired by Matthew 21:1–11 and Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

John M. Neale translated it into English in 1854 and today it is a popular hymn at Easter.

'All Glory, Laud and Honor' lyrics

All glory, laud, and honor to you, Redeemer, King, to whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring. You are the King of Israel and David's royal Son, now in the Lord's name coming, the King and Blessed One.

The company of angels is praising you on high; and we with all creation in chorus make reply. The people of the Hebrews with palms before you went; our praise and prayer and anthems before you we present.

To you before your passion they sang their hymns of praise; to you, now high exalted, our melody we raise. As you received their praises, accept the prayers we bring, for you delight in goodness, O good and gracious King

Gloria laus et honor original Latin lyrics

Glória, laus, et honor, tibi sit Rex Christe Redémptor: cui pueríle decus prompsit Hosánna pium.

Israel es tu Rex, Davídis et ínclyta proles: nómine qui in Dómini, Rex benedícte venis. Glória, laus Coetus in excélsis te laudat caélitus omnis, et mortális homo, et cuncta creáta simul. Glória, laus Plebs Hebraéa tibi cum palmis óbvia venit: cum prece, voto, hymnis, ádsumus ecce tibi. Glória, laus Hi tibi passúro solvébant múnia laudis: nos tibi regnáti pángimus ecce melos. Glória, laus Hi placuére tibi, pláceat devótio nostra: Rex pie, Rex clemens, cui bona cuncta placent. Glória, laus

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