'I Believe in God the Father' lyrics

'I Believe in God the Father' lyrics

Here are the lyrics tot he hymn  'I believe in God the Father'

Published: February 9, 2023 at 12:52 pm

Hymn writer extraordinaire Fanny Crosby wrote the hymn 'I believe in God the Father'.

Crosby was a prolific hymn writer, writing over 8,000 hymns during her lifetime including 'Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour', 'Blessed Assurance', 'Tell Me the Story of Jesus' and 'To God Be the Glory'. She died in 1915 aged 94.

'I believe in God the Father' lyrics

I believe in God the Father, Who created Heav’n and earth; Made the stars to shine so brightly, Gave each living thing its birth. I believe in God the Father, And in Jesus Christ His Son, Who was crucified on Calv’ry For the sins that all have done.

I believe He died, was buried, Rose again, no more to die; And ascending to His Father, Took His seat with Him on high. I believe in God the Spirit, Sent to us from Heav’n above, And the Church our blessèd Savior Hath redeemed by His great love.

I believe in His forgiveness, And His wondrous power to save; In a glorious resurrection, And a life beyond the grave. I believe in God the Father, I believe in God the Son, And in God the Holy Spirit, Everlasting Three in One.

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