What are the lyrics to the carol, 'In the Bleak Midwinter'?

What are the lyrics to the carol, 'In the Bleak Midwinter'?

Discover the beautiful lyrics of the popular carol, 'In the Bleak Midwinter', written in 1872

Published: December 25, 2020 at 12:00 am

Who wrote the lyrics for In The Bleak Midwinter?

Does any other carol get to the very heart of Christmas as understatedly but effectively as In The Bleak Midwinter? Christina Rossetti’s poem of 1872 is nigh-on perfect as a carol text: there’s the winter cold, the coming of Christ, the description of the nativity scene and, finally, that ‘What shall I give him?’ moment of self-reflection. And then there’s the music.

Who composed the music for In the Bleak Midwinter?

While Gustav Holst’s charming setting of 1909 is rightly loved by millions worldwide, it is the less well known but infinitely more stylish setting by Harold Darke from two years later that convincingly won the day in our poll.

Rhythmically, Darke’s opening line is identical to Holst’s, but whereas Holst uses the full choir, Darke, who was briefly organist at King’s College, Cambridge, scores the first verse for solo treble over the most muted of organ accompaniments. The remaining three verses are sung by the full choir, tenor solo, and choir again until, after a final, tender ‘Give my heart’, the organ brings the carol to a sublimely hushed conclusion. ‘In The Bleak Midwinter’s text and music flirt with sentimentality without crossing the line,’ reflects Jeffrey Smith, director of music at Grace Cathedral, San Francisco. ‘And I love the delicious irony – and global connection – of singing “Snow had fallen, snow on snow” in our California sunshine, or for that matter, imagining a snowy Bethlehem long, long ago.’

What are the lyrics to In the Bleak Midwinter?

In the bleak mid-winter Frosty wind made moan; Earth stood hard as iron, Water like a stone; Snow had fallen, snow on snow, Snow on snow, In the bleak mid-winter Long ago.

Our God, heaven cannot hold Him Nor earth sustain, Heaven and earth shall flee away When He comes to reign: In the bleak mid-winter A stable-place sufficed The Lord God Almighty — Jesus Christ.

Enough for Him, whom cherubim Worship night and day, A breastful of milk And a mangerful of hay; Enough for Him, whom Angels Fall down before, The ox and ass and camel Which adore.

Angels and Archangels May have gathered there, Cherubim and seraphim Thronged the air; But only His Mother In her maiden bliss Worshipped the Beloved With a kiss.

What can I give Him, Poor as I am? — If I were a Shepherd I would bring a lamb; If I were a Wise Man I would do my part, — Yet what I can I give Him, — Give my heart.

We named In The Bleak Midwinter one of the greatest Christmas carols of all time

Find more lyrics to your favourite Christmas carols here

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