Terms & Conditions: Monteverdi Choir tickets

Terms & Conditions: Monteverdi Choir tickets

Terms & Conditions

Published: January 1, 2015 at 11:49 am

• The competition closes at 11.59 on Sunday 8 March 2015.

• Winners will be notified by Wednesday 18 March 2015.

• There will be one prize winner who will receive two tickets to the Monteverdi Choir's open recording session, which takes place on Sunday 28 March 2015.

• Competitions are open to UK residents only, except employees of Immediate Media Company Limited, the promoter and their agents.

• Winners will be the senders of the first correct entries drawn at random. All entrants are deemed to have accepted the rules of the competition and agreed to be bound by them.

• The prize shall be as stated and no cash alternatives will be offered.

• No purchase necessary. Only one entry per competition per person.

• Entrants agree to take part in any publicity related to these competitions.

• The judge’s decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

• Entrants’ personal details will not be used by Immediate Media Company Limited, publisher of BBC Music Magazine for any other purpose than for contacting competition winners.

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