Vangelis to release album inspired by NASA's Jupiter exploration
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Vangelis to release album inspired by NASA's Jupiter exploration

The pioneering electronic composer combines music and space exploration again in this new recording celebrating NASA's mission to Jupiter

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Published: August 3, 2021 at 11:38 am

Vangelis is set to release Juno to Jupiter, a new recording of his work inspired by NASA's mission to Jupiter via the Juno space probe. Sounds captured from the Juno launch event on earth before it embarked on its 365 million-mile journey will be featured in the piece.

The Greek composer is best known for his pioneering compositions, often those for the big screen, including Blade Runner and Chariots of Fire.

In his usual style, the orchestrations in Juno to Jupiter blend acoustic and electronic soundworlds, with synthesizers, brass riffs and expansive strings heard throughout.

It's not the first time Vangelis has explored science and exploration in his music, having previously written the choral symphony Mythodea for NASA's 2001 mission to Mars. He also collaborated with the European Space Agency on his album Rosetta to celebrate the completion of the Rosetta Mission to land a probe on a comet for the first time in history.

In gratitude for the work he has done supporting and promoting science over the years, NASA has presented Vangelis with a Public Service Medal and named an asteroid after him. The Asteroid 6354, located between Jupiter and Mars, is now named 'Vangelis' in his honour.

Soprano Angela Gheorghiu will star on the recording, alongside voices of scientists involved in the mission, courtesy of NASA.

Vangelis's new album Juno to Jupiter will be released on Decca Records on 24 September. It will be available on CD and in digital formats, with vinyl and limited edition boxset to follow.

You can preorder Juno to Jupiter now and download singles from the following:

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