The best virtual carol services and Christmas concerts available to watch online this Christmas

The best virtual carol services and Christmas concerts available to watch online this Christmas

From cathedrals across the UK, you can watch livestreams of carol services and concerts this Christmas

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Published: October 22, 2020 at 12:58 pm

Chichester Cathedral

Chichester Cathedral in winter

Chichester Cathedral will be hosting Christmas carol services which will also be streamed online. Services will be taking place on the following dates.

Saturday 19 December 2020: 4pm

Saturday 19 December 2020: 6pm (streamed via the Cathedral's website, YouTube and Facebook page)

Sunday 20 December 2020: 3pm

Sunday 20 December 2020: 5pm

Thursday 24 December 2020: Christmas Eve service

Friday 25 December 2020: Midnight Eucharist

Friday 25 December 2020: Christmas Day service

Ely Cathedral

Ely Cathedral in winter

Ely Cathedral in Cambridgeshire will be hosting Christmas services this festive season, with more information available nearer the time via its website and social media channels.

Monday 30 November 2020: Advent Procession (7pm)

Sunday 6 December 2020: Christmas Tree Lights Switch-On (5.15pm)

Monday 14 December 2020: Schools Virtual Christingle (1.30pm)

Monday 21 December 2020: Choristers Concert (evening)

Wednesday 23 December 2020: Crib Service (12 noon)

Thursday 24 December 2020: Carol Service (3pm)

Thursday 24 December 2020: First Eucharist of Christmas (10.30pm)

Friday 25 December 2020: Sung Eucharist (9.30am)

Canterbury Cathedral

Canterbury Cathedral in winter

The following services and online programmes will be streamed as part of the Canterbury Cathedral's Christmas season. Further details will be added closer to the time on the Canterbury Cathedral's website.

Three programmes will also be broadcast as part of the Christmas season: a Cathedral Carol Service, a Friends Carol Service and a Children's Carol Service. Times and dates TBC.

Plus, Adrian Bawtree, Canterbury Cathedral's organist, hosts a festive virtual singalong. Time and date TBC.

Sunday 29 November 2020: Evensong for Advent Service

Thursday 24 December 2020: Evensong with Christmas Music

Friday 25 December 2020: Two Eucharist Services (pre-booking required)

Coventry Cathedral

Coventry Cathedral in winter

All Coventry Cathedral's are being livestreamed, which will continue throughout the Christmas period. As well as the usual services, the cathedral is planning to pre-record the following services and stream them on its Facebook page and YouTube channel.

Sunday 29 November 2020: Light in our Darkness: A Service of Music and Readings

Sunday 13 December 2020: Carols by Candelight

Thursday 24 December 2020: Form of a Servant: Coventry's service for Christmas Eve

Cathedral Isle of Man


The Isle of Man has been free from the impact of coronavirus for the past few months, so have been able to meet in large groups and hold services in person.

All its services are livestreamed online for those who are unable to attend or come to the island, as the Isle of Man's borders are still closed to non-residents. The following services will all be streamed over the Christmas period.

Thursday 24 December 2020: Crib and Christingle (5pm)

Thursday 24 December 2020: Midnight Mass (11.30pm)

Friday 25 December 2020: Christmas Day Eucharist with Bishop Peter (10.30am)

Rochester Cathedral

Rochester Cathedral in winter

The following Advent and Christmas services will be livestreamed and broadcast without in-person congregations. The services will be available to stream via the cathedral's website, Vimeo and Facebook.

Sunday 29 November 2020: Advent Carol Service (6pm)

Monday 21 December 2020: Nine Lessons and Carols (7pm)

Tuesday 22 December 2020: Nine Lessons and Carols (7pm)

These following services will have congregations, with tickets available via the Rochester Cathedral website.

Thursday 24 December 2020: Midnight Mass (11.30pm)

Friday 25 December 2020: Eucharist of Christmas Morning (11am)

Shrewsbury Cathedral

Shrewsbury Cathedral

As well as a virtual tour of the cathedral, the following services will be streamed via the Shrewsbury Cathedral website.

Sunday 4 December: Shrewsbury Youth Chamber Choir Carol Service (5pm)

Saturday 19 December: Carols on the Terrace at Shrewsbury Cathedral (12-4pm, with in-person congregation)

Sunday 20 December: Shrewsbury Choir Carol Service at the Cathedral (5pm)

Thursday 24 December: Mass (6pm, 8pm, 10pm)

Thursday 24 December: Midnight Mass (12 midnight)

Friday 25 December: Mass (8am)

Friday 25 December: Mass Extraordinary Form (9.30am)

Friday 25 December: Mass (11am)

Portsmouth Cathedral


The current list of Christmas services taking place at Portsmouth Cathedral are as follows (subject to change):

Sunday 20 December

Monday 21 December: 4pm

Tuesday 22 December: 6pm (This service will be streamed live online)

Wednesday 23 December: 4pm

Wednesday 23 December: 6.30pm

Thursday 24 December: 6.30pm (This service will be streamed live online)

Salisbury Cathedral


Booking for the live services can be done online via the Cathedral website. For those attending in person, masks must be worn inside the Cathedral and worshippers will be socially distanced.

Sunday 29 November: Choral Evensong for Advent Sunday, 4.30pm (This service will be streamed live online)

Tuesday 22 December: A Service for Christmas with carols by the Cathedral Choir, 7pm (This service will be streamed live online, and will be available for audiences to watch later as well) Programme includes: Howells's A Spotless Rose, Head's The Little Rose to Bethlehem and Rutter's Angels' Carol

Wednesday 23 December: A service for Christmas with carols by the Cathedral Choir Programme includes: Howells's A Spotless Rose, Head's The Little Rose to Bethlehem and Rutter's Angels' Carol

Thursday 24 December: A Family Service for Christmas Eve (This service will be streamed live online with no congregation in the cathedral) Filmed around the Cathedral's Christmas tree, featuring a live donkey

Thursday 24 December: Festal Evensong, 5.30pm (This service will be streamed live online)

Thursday 24 December: Midnight Mass, 11pm (This service will be streamed live online)

Friday 25 December: Christmas Day Eucharist, 8.30am (This service will be said with cantor and no choir)

Friday 25 December: The Eucharist, 11am (This service will be streamed live online)

Friday 25 December: Festal Evensong, 3pm (This service will be streamed live online)

St Albans Cathedral


Every Sunday throughout Advent, St Albans Cathedral will be livestreaming its Choral Eucharist services at 11.15am, as well as a Christmas Day Eucharist on 9.30am.

The St Albans Cathedral Choir will be pre-recording an additional service, the details of which are yet to be announced.

This list will be updated as more services are announced.

You can find lyrics to your favourite Christmas carols here

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