Musical terms

Musical terms

Why's that tune stuck in your head? The science behind earworms

What are earworms? Are they common and how do I get rid of them? Read on to discover more about this annoying musical phenomenon...

Rubato: a guide to the musical term meaning 'robbed time'

'Robbed time'? Eh? Stephen Johnson gets to grips with another of classical music's technical terms

The tritone: the 'devil in music' that has injected mystery and unease into countless great works

For centuries, the tritone - a musical interval spanning three whole tones - has added tension, drama and mystery to music by everyone from Bach to Bernstein

What are microtones? The tiny building blocks of all music...

Though we may not always realise it, microtones – intervals of smaller than a semitone – are all around us when we listen to music, explains Tom Service

The fugue: a guide to one of classical music's most dazzling effects

Stephen Johnson unpacks the fugue, one of classical music's most sophisticated and often awesome musical effects

Time signature: what is it and why is it so crucial in music?

Stephen Johnson gets to grips with classical music's technical terms. This time: the all-important time signature

Serialism: a guide to classical music's most divisive musical technique

Serialism: just what was it and why was it so divisive in classical music circles? Stephen Johnson explains

What is a string quartet?

What is a string quartet? Interesting question, as it can mean both an ensemble of players and a piece of music written for that ensemble. Stephen Johnson explains

Allegro meaning: what does the instruction allegro mean in music?

Find out all you need to know about the term musical term allegro - what it means, when it began to be a common sight on musical scores, and a few of the many works that use this instruction

What is jazz music?

Destructive or redemptive, degenerate or transformative? Jazz is a phenomenon, a true world music that came of age over a hundred years ago. Here's our guide to the jazz music genre, its origins and pioneers

What is Synaesthesia?

The neurological condition Synaesthesia is seen as a blessing by many artists. Michael Beek explains more...
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