What are the lyrics to Colombia's National anthem, 'Oh Gloria Inmarcesible!'?

What are the lyrics to Colombia's National anthem, 'Oh Gloria Inmarcesible!'?

The Colombian national anthem was actually written by a future president of Colombia in 1850. Here are its lyrics in both English and Spanish

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Published: September 15, 2022 at 12:19 pm

What is Columbia's national anthem and who wrote it?

Colombia's national anthem is - rather boringly - officially called 'National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia' (Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia). However it is unofficially known as 'Oh Gloria Inmarcesible!' meaning 'O Unfading Glory!'.

The anthem started life as a poem written by future President Rafael Núñez in 1850 as an ode to celebrate the independence of Cartagena (Colombia's first city to escape from Spanish rule).

In 1887 Núñez tweaked the lyrics again, while Italian-born opera musician Oreste Síndici, set it to music before it was presented to the public for the first time.

Thanks to its popularity, it was made the official national anthem of Colombia in 1920.

'Colombia's national anthem' ('Oh Gloria Inmarcesible!') lyrics

'Colombia's national anthem' lyrics in English

Chorus: Oh, unwithering glory! Oh, immortal jubilance! In furrows of pain, goodness now germinates.

Oh, unwithering glory! Oh, immortal jubilance! In furrows of pain, goodness now germinates.

I The horrible night has ceased. Sublime Liberty spills the auroras of her invincible light.

The entirety of humanity that groans within chains, comprehend the words of He who died on the cross.


II "Independence!" shouts the American world; The land of Columbus. Is bathed in heroes' blood.

But this great doctrine; "The king is not sovereign", resounds, and those who suffer bless their passion.


III The bed of the Orinoco Is heaped with plunder, Of blood and tears a river is seen to flow there.

In Bárbula know neither souls nor eyes, whether admiration to feel or fear to suffer.


IV On the shores of the Caribbean, a famished people fight, preferring horror to fickle health.

O, aye! from Cartagena heavy is the hardship, and death's rubble disdains her virtue


V From Boyacá in the fields, the genius of glory, from every sprig a hero was crowned undefeated.

Soldiers without armor won the victory; their virile spirit served them as a shield.


VI Bolívar crosses the Andes bathed by two oceans, swords as though sparks flash in Junín.

Indomitable centaurs descend to the plains, and a premonition begins to be felt, of the epic's end.


VII The victorious trumpet in Ayacucho loudly thunders, as in every triumph grows its formidable sound.

In its expansive thrust Liberty is first felt, from the American sky forming a pavilion.


VIII In agony, the Virgin Tears out her hair, and bereft of her love, leaves it to hang on a cypress.

Regretting her hope covered by a cold headstone, but glorious pride hallows her fair skin.


IX Thus the motherland is formed, Thermopylaes bursting forth; a constellation of cyclops the night did brighten.

The trembling flower finding the wind mortal, underneath the laurels safety sought.


X But it's not complete glory to defeat in battle, the arm that fights is encouraged by truth.

For independence alone The great clamour doesn't silence; if the sun shines on everyone, justice is liberty.


XI Of men the rights Nariño's preaching, the soul of struggle was prophetically taught.

Ricaurte in San Mateo, in atoms flying, "Duty before life," with flames he wrote.


'Colombia's national anthem' ('O, gloria inmarcesible!') lyrics in Spanish

Coro: O, gloria inmarcesible! O, júbilo inmortal! En surcos de dolores, el bien germina ya.

O, gloria inmarcesible! O, júbilo inmortal! En surcos de dolores, el bien germina ya.

I Cesó la horrible noche. La libertad sublime derrama las auroras de su invencible luz.

La humanidad entera, que entre cadenas gime, comprende las palabras del que murió en La Cruz.


II "¡Independencia!", grita el mundo americano. Se baña en sangre de héroes la tierra de Colón.

Pero este gran principio; "El rey no es soberano"[c] resuena, y los que sufren bendicen su pasión.


III Del Orinoco el cauce se colma de despojos, de sangre y llanto un río se mira allí correr.

En Bárbula no saben las almas ni los ojos, si admiración o espanto sentir o padecer.


IV A orillas del Caribe, hambriento un pueblo lucha, horrores prefiriendo a pérfida salud.

¡Oh, sí!, de Cartagena la abnegación es mucha, y escombros de la muerte desprecia su virtud.


V De Boyacá en los campos, el genio de la gloria, con cada espiga un héroe invicto coronó.

Soldados sin coraza ganaron la victoria; su varonil aliento de escudo les sirvió.


VI Bolívar cruza el Ande que riegan dos océanos, espadas cual centellas fulguran en Junín.

Centauros indomables descienden a los llanos, y empieza a presentirse, de la epopeya el fin.


VII La trompa victoriosa en Ayacucho truena, que en cada triunfo crece su formidable son.

En su expansivo empuje la libertad se estrena, del cielo americano formando un pabellón.


VIII La virgen sus cabellos arranca en agonía y de su amor viuda los cuelga del ciprés.

Lamenta su esperanza que cubre loza fría, pero glorioso orgullo circunda su alba tez.


IX La patria así se forma, termópilas brotando; constelación de cíclopes su noche iluminó.

La flor estremecida mortal el viento hallando, debajo los laureles seguridad buscó.


X Mas no es completa gloria vencer en la batalla, que el brazo que combate lo anima la verdad.

La independencia sola el gran clamor no acalla; si el sol alumbra a todos, justicia es libertad.


XI Del hombre los derechos Nariño predicando, el alma de la lucha profético enseñó.

Ricaurte en San Mateo, en átomos volando, "Deber antes que vida," con llamas escribió.


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