Jennifer Pike to appear as soloist in centenary performance of The Lark Ascending at Shirehampton Public Hall, where it was premiered

Jennifer Pike to appear as soloist in centenary performance of The Lark Ascending at Shirehampton Public Hall, where it was premiered

Jennifer Pike will join the Bristol Ensemble and Exultate Singers in a concert streamed live online to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Vaughan Williams's much-loved masterpiece

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Published: November 20, 2020 at 12:24 pm

To celebrate the centenary of Vaughan Williams's The Lark Asending, Bristol Beacon – the venue previously named Colston Hall, before it changed its name earlier this year – will host an online livestreamed performance of the work from Bristol's Shirehampton Public Hall, where it was first performed exactly 100 years ago to the day.

Violinist Jennifer Pike will join the Bristol Ensemble and the Exultate Singers for this anniversary concert, in which The Lark Ascending will be performed alongside Vaughan Williams's Fantasia on Christmas Carols, Bach's Concerto for Two Violins and Parry's Jerusalem.

Vaughan Williams's The Lark Ascending was composed in 1914 at the outbreak of the First World War, with a final draft adapted with soloist Marie Hall while staying at Kings Weston House in Bristol. Vaughan Williams dedicated the piece to Hall, who gave the premiere performance at the nearby Shirehampton Public Hall on 15 December 1920.

The concert will be streamed online on Bristol Beacon's website at 7.30pm on Tuesday 15 December. The livestream will be free to join, but donations to support the cost of the event are welcome.

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