Delius Orchestral Music

Delius Orchestral Music


Our rating


Published: August 1, 2012 at 12:10 pm

COMPOSERS: Frederick Delius
ALBUM TITLE: Delius Orchestral Music
WORKS: A Dance Rhapsody No. 1 (arr. Grainger); On hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring (arr. Schmidt-Wunstorf); Brigg Fair (arr. Heseltine); Poem of Life and Love (arr. Gardiner & Fenby); A Song of Summer (arr. Fenby); La Calinda (arr. Trimble)
PERFORMER: Hiroki Takenouchi, Simon Callaghan (pianos)

Arnold Schoenberg famously proposed that good music was music that remained good even when transcribed for the zither. Zither arrangements of Delius are unlikely to happen, though his orchestral music – rhapsodic, ecstatic, often coloured in half-lights – has proved unusually susceptible to conversion for two pianos. In this first of Somm’s enterprising two-part survey, it helps that the acoustic and spatial spread are so vivid: the Steinway concert grands seem right in your living room, lending new clarity to textures and nuances sometimes mislaid in the orchestral haze. It also helps that Simon Callaghan and Hiroaki Takenouchi, first teamed together at London’s Royal College of Music, play with such love, panache, and exact synchronisation.

The skill of these arrangements varies. Most utilitarian is Rudolf Schmidt-Wunstorf’s On hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring, which gives us the visible bones, but no flesh, no spirit. Delius’s own contemporaries and friends buckle to their task with greater understanding. Percy Grainger’s own piano panache enlivens his treatment of the Dance Rhapsody; Philip Heseltine’s Brigg Fair shimmers with magic at the start; and if the rarely encountered Poem of Life and Love stays structurally indigestible, Balfour Gardiner and Eric Fenby’s distillation still reveals many riches. Roll on volume two!

Geoff Brown

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