Dvořák: Complete Piano Trios
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Dvořák: Complete Piano Trios

Boris Giltburg (piano), Peter Jarůšek (cello), Veronika Jarůšková (violin) (Supraphon)

Our rating


Published: October 3, 2023 at 9:23 am


Dvořák Complete Piano Trios Boris Giltburg (piano), Peter Jarůšek (cello), Veronika Jarůšková (violin) Supraphon SU4319-2 143:12 mins (2 discs)

Dvořák’s piano trios offer fascinating glimpses into key moments in his composing career and present a range of challenges to interpreters. The first two trios are from the start of his maturity while the ‘Dumky’ trio, composed just before his lengthy American sojourn, challenges the conventions of contemporary chamber music at nearly every level. In total contrast, the F minor trio from the mid 1880s is strongly classical in outline, but true to form Dvořák’s determined motivic control is matched by melodic passion.

Happily, the present ensemble is equal to the demands of these fine works. The string players have a wealth of experience in the Czech repertoire as long-standing members of the celebrated Pavel Haas Quartet. Indeed, one of the most immediately striking aspects in these performances is the sheer beauty of the string sound. They are ably matched by pianist Boris Giltburg whose care over articulation and unfussy, nuanced playing is a constant delight. Among highlights, the conclusion of the development of the first movement of the B flat trio is quite magical and the entire F minor trio is powerfully focussed while resisting the hectoring tendency that mars even some committed renditions. Their performance of the soulful G minor trio is beautifully expressive and each movement of the ‘Dumky’ has both charm and infectious excitement even if, overall, it lacks a certain depth. The recorded sound could have favoured the strings a little more, but as a whole these handsome performances are well worth repeated listening.

Jan Smaczny

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