JS Bach: The Art of Fugue (Cuarteto Casals)
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JS Bach: The Art of Fugue (Cuarteto Casals)

Cuarteto Casals (Harmonia Mundi)

Our rating


Published: July 11, 2023 at 1:06 pm


JS Bach The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080 (arr. quartet); 18 Chorale Preludes, BWV 651-668 Cuarteto Casals Harmonia Mundi HMM902717 68:26 mins

Though its instrumentation is unspecified, the most successful recordings of Bach’s The Art of Fugue must surely be those by instrumental ensembles with homogenous timbres. Interpretations for string quartet have appeared in the catalogue since the 1980s, and Cuarteto Casals’s new release for Harmonia Mundi can confidently assume its rightful place amongst these varied but distinguished approaches.

The collection dates from Bach’s final years in Leipzig, and was published posthumously in 1751. We hear Bach as both artist and craftsman in these fugal compositions which range across 14 simple fugues or contrapunctus movements in three or four parts, three canons and the chorale BWV 668 ‘Vor deinen Thron tret’ ich hiermit’. Among Cuarteto Casals’s supple interpretations, the French-influenced Contrapunctus VI, the lithe Contrapunctus VII and the textural delights of the Canon in augmentation in contrary motion stand out. This is earnest and thoughtful music making. Cuarteto Casals largely eschews vibrato, a testimony to the impact of the historical performance movement. Satisfyingly sinewy timbres and lithe rhythmic interplay are complemented by the acoustics of St Vincenç de Cardona, in Catalonia. Indeed, as the accompanying notes rightly acknowledge, this album will reward episodes of deep and repeated listening.

Ingrid Pearson

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