Vivaldi The Four Seasons; Trio Sonata, Op. 1 No. 12 ‘La Folia’ – arr. for soloist and orchestra Francisco Fullana (violin); Apollo’s Fire/Jeanette Sorrell Avie AV 2485 52:25 mins
And still they come… Here is yet another recording of The Four Seasons, whose versions on disc are now almost countless. In the sense that our ears seldom if ever respond negatively to the music speaks volumes for its quality. Quite simply, the four concertos are very fine ones, whose programmatic content tweaks our sensibilities and enlivens the imagination, both of the players and their audience. Apart from hints inscribed in the instrumental parts, the code-breaking of the seasonal programme is partly a matter of guesswork.
Apollo’s Fire, though, does most of the work for us in a note which provides a detailed if, at times, personal elucidation of Vivaldi’s programme. Also included are the four descriptive sonnets, perhaps the work of the composer himself, who included them in the printed edition some years after composing the music. Soloist Francisco Fullana reveals its poetry with effortless refinement and rhythmic elasticity. He is not afraid to be carried off into personal flights of fancy; though they can be justified for the most part, now and again they perhaps just occasionally sit uncomfortably within the stylistic context.
What I enjoyed most of all in the affectionate and carefully thought out playing of soloist and ensemble is their relaxed phrasing and crisp articulation which generate unflagging interest.
In addition to The Four Seasons Jeannette Sorrell, director of Apollo’s Fire, has arranged Vivaldi’s trio sonata La Folia as a concerto grosso, so that ‘all of us could join in the fray’. Terrific stuff!
Nicholas Anderson
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