Mozart’s Real Musical Father Works by JC Bach and Mozart Duo Pleyel Linn Records CKD655 63:30 mins
Duo Pleyel’s provocative choice of title Mozart’s Real Musical Father confirms they have well and truly thrown down the gauntlet to players of historical keyboard instruments and listeners alike. Featuring music composed between 1772 and 1786, the album explores the musical kinship between Johann Christian Bach and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Wife and husband team of Alexandra Nepomnyashchaya and Richard Egarr present a musical portrait of the formative years of the piano duet, a genre in which Bach and Mozart were pioneers. Egarr’s informative and entertaining notes detail something of JC Bach’s ‘power and influence’ over his younger contemporary. They also reveal insights into the duo’s approach in bringing this music to life through judiciously chosen and fluently rendered additions to the notated scores.
Alternating works by each composer, the album also rewards us with a vital and much-needed appreciation of the so-called ‘London’ Bach. His musical versatility, very much in evidence during his London years, has been overshadowed by other, longer-lived members of his family. The piano duet works here showcase in miniature the extent of Bach’s innovations: texturally, structurally and melodically. A particular highlight is the radiance of the A major Sonata Op. 18 No. 5. Duo Pleyel also exceeds our high expectations for the Mozart works, and their interpretations are an essential addition to the recorded legacy of this music. The sonatas Kk. 358 and 381 are erudite and enchanting, and the K501 Variations are absolutely revelatory. Bravo!
Ingrid Pearson