Szymanowski: Piano Works
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Szymanowski: Piano Works

Krystian Zimerman (piano) (DG)

Our rating


Published: December 27, 2022 at 9:00 am

Szymanowski Masques, Op. 34; Variations on a Polish Theme, Op. 10; Preludes, Op. 1 – selection; Mazurkas, Op. 50 – selection Krystian Zimerman (piano) DG 486 3007 65:05 mins

When the great Polish pianist – indeed, one of the greatest pianists alive – Krystian Zimerman releases an all-Szymanowski album, attention must be paid. And close attention to the recording dates only confirms perhaps why it is not as uniformly rewarding an experience as might be expected. Best of all are the Masques, recorded in Copenhagen in 1994 but for some reason not released until now. The rest was recorded in Fukuyama last June, so the album could be rushed out in time for the composer’s 140th anniversary; though Zimerman makes a point of praising the acoustics of a hall there designed by his friend Yasuhisa Toyota, the earlier recording sounds far more alive. Indeed, the middle-period Masques also leap out with more imagination than anything else here, the pianist’s command of colour magnificent and mesmerising.

Early and late works provide some contrast in this good overview of Szymanowski’s piano music, yet in some of the magical Op. 1 Preludes Zimerman sounds as if simply going through the motions. Selecting just four of these nine pieces feels unsatisfactory, and the four Op. 50 Mazurkas he chooses are similarly solid. So it’s a relief to arrive at the youthful Variations on a Polish Folk Theme: Zimerman lays out the theme with disarming simplicity, before building things from a crystalline first variation towards a fugal finale played with staggering virtuosity.

John Allison

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