Flanagan-Ingham Quartet

Flanagan-Ingham Quartet

Swingingly superior supper club fare like this is as hard an act to pull off as any in jazz. The art lies in pushing the music along effortlessly without resorting to cheesy clichés. London-based FIQ does just that by striking a perfect balance between Flanagan’s gruff, but tender, interpretation and Ingham’s understated, disarming vocal style. Their easy interaction with the rhythm section – unfussy drums, brisk walking bass – makes the whole a tasteful and engaging pleasure.

Our rating


Published: January 20, 2012 at 3:06 pm

COMPOSERS: Flanagan-Ingham Quartet
LABELS: Gray Brother Records
WORKS: Zanzibar
PERFORMER: Kevin Flanagan (ts); Chris Ingham (pno, vcls); Andrew Brown (b); Russ Morgan (d)

Swingingly superior supper club fare like this is as hard an act to pull off as any in jazz. The art lies in pushing the music along effortlessly without resorting to cheesy clichés. London-based FIQ does just that by striking a perfect balance between Flanagan’s gruff, but tender, interpretation and Ingham’s understated, disarming vocal style. Their easy interaction with the rhythm section – unfussy drums, brisk walking bass – makes the whole a tasteful and engaging pleasure. The material is well chosen and cleverly arranged: chestnuts like ‘Born to be Blue’ and ‘A Sleepin’ Bee’ sit easily alongside bluesy Flanagan originals. This is a toothsome debut indeed. Garry Booth

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