Martinu's Julietta

Martinu's Julietta

'You should be beguiled by changes of pace and texture even when you're wondering when the dream will end'


Martinu Julietta

Juanita Lascarro, Kurt Streit, Boris Grappe, Beau Gibson; Chor der Oper Frankfurt; Frankfurter Opern-und Museumsorchester/Sebastian Weigle

Oehms OC 966



Published: August 30, 2016 at 1:07 pm

'You should be beguiled by changes of pace and texture even when you're wondering when the dream will end'

Martinu Julietta

Juanita Lascarro, Kurt Streit, Boris Grappe, Beau Gibson; Chor der Oper Frankfurt; Frankfurter Opern-und Museumsorchester/Sebastian Weigle

Oehms OC 966

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