

Dialogues des Carmélites

Published: February 17, 2015 at 3:19 pm

‘Unwittingly influenced, perhaps, by traditional nuns’ habits, the trend has been for monochromatic productions of Dialogues with a minimalist austerity. In essence, Olivier Py’s marvelous 2013 staging follows suit, but his is by far the most imaginative and effective example of that approach.’ – Christopher Dingle


Dialogues des Carmélites

Petibon, Koch, Gens, Piau, Plowright, etc; Philharmonia; Choeur de Théatre des Champs-Elysées/Jérémie Rhorer; dir. Olivier Py (France, 2013)

Erato DVD: 256 4622069; Blu-ray: 2564621953

Read the full review in the March 2015 issue of BBC Music Magazine

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