Spohr: Faust

Spohr: Faust

Spohr’s Faust (1813) is a major landmark in the development of 19th-century German opera, occupying a transitional position between Singspiel (eg The Magic Flute) with its spoken dialogue, and through-composed opera such as Wagner’s. This live recording, using Spohr’s 1852 revision (recitative instead of spoken dialogue) is well enough performed to give pleasure to anyone curious to hear a work that helped to change the course of operatic history. Barry Millington

Published: January 20, 2012 at 2:32 pm

WORKS: Faust
PERFORMER: Michael Vier, Eelco von Jordis, William Pugh, Diane Jennings; Bielefeld Opera Chorus, Bielenfeld PO/Geoffrey Moull

Spohr’s Faust (1813) is a major landmark in the development of 19th-century German opera, occupying a transitional position between Singspiel (eg The Magic Flute) with its spoken dialogue, and through-composed opera such as Wagner’s. This live recording, using Spohr’s 1852 revision (recitative instead of spoken dialogue) is well enough performed to give pleasure to anyone curious to hear a work that helped to change the course of operatic history. Barry Millington

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