Ullmann, Eisler, Komma, Reutter, Fršhlich, Pfitzner, Britten

Ullmann, Eisler, Komma, Reutter, Fršhlich, Pfitzner, Britten

Friedrich Hölderlin, contemporary of Goethe and Schiller, stood at an acute stylistic and emotional angle to his age; the rapturous but uncompromising idealism of his poetry had to wait until the 20th century to find its musical soul-mate. This most engaging and beautifully performed recital takes us through the Hölderlin renaissance of the Twenties, to the terse, late expressionism of Karl Michael Komma, and the new lyricism of Fortner and Britten. Hilary Finch

Published: January 20, 2012 at 2:31 pm

COMPOSERS: Britten,Eisler,Fröhlich,Komma,Pfitzner,Reutter,Ullmann
LABELS: Capriccio
ALBUM TITLE: Collection: Hölderlin Songs
WORKS: Music by Ullmann, Eisler, Komma, Reutter, Fröhlich, Pfitzner, Britten,
PERFORMER: Mitsuko Shirai (mezzo-soprano), Hartmut Höll (piano)

Friedrich Hölderlin, contemporary of Goethe and Schiller, stood at an acute stylistic and emotional angle to his age; the rapturous but uncompromising idealism of his poetry had to wait until the 20th century to find its musical soul-mate. This most engaging and beautifully performed recital takes us through the Hölderlin renaissance of the Twenties, to the terse, late expressionism of Karl Michael Komma, and the new lyricism of Fortner and Britten. Hilary Finch

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