Christmas carol lyrics
Find the lyrics to many of your favourite Christmas carols, from 'Silent Night' to 'Jingle Bells', 'Hark The Herald Angels' to 'The Holly and The Ivy' and discover the history of each carol
'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' lyrics: how the much-loved Christmas song goes
Did you know the song 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas' dates back to the 16th century? But its tune is much newer? Hare are its lyrics

'O Christmas Tree' lyrics: how does the much-loved festive carol go?
Here are the lyrics to the favourite Christmas carol 'O Christmas Tree'

'12 Days of Christmas' lyrics: how does the much-loved carol go?
Here are the English lyrics to the famous Christmas song, 'The 12 Days of Christmas'

What are the lyrics to 'Ding Dong! Merrily on High'?
Did you know the tune to 'Ding Dong! Merrily on High' dates back all the way to the 16th century? Its lyrics, though, are somewhat younger...

'Jingle Bells' lyrics: what are the words to the popular Christmas song?
'Jingle Bells' might be a Christmas classic but do you know its origins and who composed it - or even all of its lyrics?

'Away in a Manger' lyrics: what are the words to the popular Christmas carol?
The true origins of the Christmas carol 'Away in a Manger' are unknown, but it started gaining popularity in the 19th century. Here are its lyrics

'O Holy Night' lyrics: what are the words to the popular carol?
Here are both the English and French lyrics to the popular Christmas carol 'O Holy Night', which was written in 1843

'Mary had a baby' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the carol 'Mary had a baby'

'Thou didst leave thy throne' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the hymn 'Thou didst leave thy throne'

What are the lyrics to 'Silent Night'?
Here are both the English and German lyrics to the popular Christmas Carol, 'Silent Night'

'Alle Jahre wieder' text
Discover the words and text to the popular German Christmas carol 'Alle Jahre wieder' in both German and English

'Personent hodie' lyrics
Did you know the ancient Christmas carol 'Personent hodie' dates back to medieval times? Here are its lyrics in both Latin and English
'Toyland' song lyrics
'Toyland' is song from the popular Christmas operetta Babes in Toyland. Here are its lyrics
'Good Christian men rejoice' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the ancient German Christmas carol 'Good Christian friends [men] rejoice'
'Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the old French carol 'Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella'
'Wexford carol' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the traditional Irish Christmas carol, the 'Wexford carol'
'Rise Up Shepherd and Follow' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the Christmas hymn 'Rise Up Shepherd and Follow'
'Joyful joyful we adore thee' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the joyous hymn 'Joyful joyful we adore thee'
'Come Thou Long Expected Jesus' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to Charles Wesley's carol 'Come Thou Long Expected Jesus'
'Twas the night before Christmas' lyrics
'Twas the night before Christmas' is famous the world over and the majority of us will be able to recite the first few lines without thinking, but do you know how the rest of the poem goes? Here are its lyrics in full
'Christmas is coming' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the Christmas nursery rhyme 'Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat'
'Up On The Housetop' lyrics
Here are the lyrics to the 19th century Christmas song 'Up On The Housetop'
What are the lyrics to 'Love to sing the Virgin Mary had a baby boy'?
Here are the lyrics to 'Love to sing the Virgin Mary had a baby boy'?
'The angel Gabriel from heaven came': what are the lyrics to 'Gabriel's Message'?
Here are the lyrics to the Christmas carol 'The angel Gabriel from heaven came'