Royal Scottish National Orchestra reviews

Royal Scottish National Orchestra reviews

Thomas Wilson: Symphonies Nos 2 & 5

Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Rory Macdonald (Linn Records)

Massenet: Visions; Brumaire - Overture, etc

Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Jean-Luc Tingaud (Naxos)

Delibes: Ballet Suites

Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Neeme Järvi (Chandos)

Franck: Psyché; Les Éolides, etc

Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Jean-Luc Tingaud, et al (Naxos)

Rachmaninov: Piano Concerto No. 3; Variations on a Theme of Corelli

Boris Giltburg; Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Carlos Miguel Prieto

Prokofiev: Symphonies Nos 1 & 5

Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Thomas Søndergård (Linn)

Chopin: Piano Concertos by Benjamin Grosvenor

Benjamin Grosvenor (piano); Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Elim Chan (Decca)

Tchaikovsky: Piano Concertos Nos 1 & 3; Scriabin: Piano Concerto

Xiayin Wang; Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Peter Oundjian (Chandos)

The Princess and the Bear

Sarah Watts, Laurence Perkins, Martin Roscoe; Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Sian Edwards (Hyperion)

Dvořák • Khachaturian: Violin Concertos

Rachel Barton Pine (violin); Royal Scottish National Orchestra/Teddy Abram (Avie)

Martin Yates conducts Vaughan Williams's Scott of the Antarctic with 'appropriate majesty'

One of my music teachers loftily pronounced that the Sinfonia Antarticawas not a real symphony, but merely film music. He would surely have been silenced by what conductor Martin Yates has uncovered here – essentially a huge forgotten work on, as the notes put it, ‘a quasi-symphonic canvas’, which Vaughan Williams composed in full before even a frame of the film itself was shot – apparently in a fervent three weeks. 


Bax: Symphony No. 5; The Tale the Pine Trees Knew

Another splendid performance in David Lloyd-Jones’s Bax cycle with the Royal Scottish National Orchestra. The Fifth Symphony, like Vaughan Williams’s, is dedicated to Sibelius. Composed in 1931-2, it is not so much influenced by the Finnish master as in thrall to him. The principal theme of the first of the three movements is half-brother to one in the Fifth Symphony, the woodwind writing is distinctly Sibelian and the symphony generally conforms to a Sibelian tautness of construction.
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