Magical Flute of China

Magical Flute of China

Magical Flute of China aptly describes both the featured instrument and the exceptional performer. The sound of the dizi, a side-blown bamboo flute, is indeed pied piper-like, and Tang Jun Qiao deftly shows off the instrument’s broad repertoire and rich timbral palette.


Our rating


Published: January 20, 2012 at 4:21 pm

LABELS: Channel of China
ALBUM TITLE: Tang Jun Qiao
PERFORMER: Tang Jun Qiao (dizi) etc

Magical Flute of China aptly describes both the featured instrument and the exceptional performer. The sound of the dizi, a side-blown bamboo flute, is indeed pied piper-like, and Tang Jun Qiao deftly shows off the instrument’s broad repertoire and rich timbral palette.

The ten tracks range from virtuosic arrangements of folksongs and traditional Chinese opera arias to a recently composed duet for dizi and piano. Most tracks she’s accompanied by a yang qin, the Chinese hammer dulcimer, but this often seems superfluous as Tang’s dizi is most alluring as a solo voice.

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